There’s definitely, definitely, definitely no logic to human behavior, says the song by Icelandic singer Björk; and that´s because she didn´t know Beatriz Janer.

Janer has grown up surrounded by cameras ever since she was little. This young filmmaker from Barcelona has her own language which she expresses through her stories, be it in her contemporary photographs depicting the day to day life of the cities in which she has lived or traveled to, or in her portraits or her videos.

If storytelling is in style, Janer is high fashion. Her small audiovisual pieces touch the souls of those watching them, respecting the reality of the things that surround her, with no hints of dressing them up.

She has devised and created, together with Marta Parera, Director of Marketing of the establishment, a series of pieces that all together complete the puzzle of the local talent that is behind Yurbban.

And what is behind Yurbban Humans? The possibility of showcasing these creatives from the perspective of Janer.

¨All artists have two things in common, love for what they do and that for their city: Barcelona¨ explains Marta Parera about the story behind this series.

Thus in “The mud as a language” we snuck into the studio of Diego Sampere and watched him working with his hands, like a true craftsman who brings life to plates, bowls and design pieces for restaurants across the country.

The wood chips fly, we focus on their light and we listen to Antonio Yranzo polish this noble material in his workshop in Poblenou. So begins his “Yurbban Humans” in this video which explains that Barcelona “nurtures and inspires him” a city intricately linked with creativity.

Sergio Roger, creator of Soft Heads, explains the story behind his original heads and why Barcelona «is sunset, is light, is infancy, is the present and is the future» as he smoothens out fabrics and cuts patterns for his original creations.

Beatriz Janer will soon open the door to the world of Sonia Subirós, recording artist, to us, and will relate the story of interior designer Raquel Sogorb head of decoration and interior design of Yurbban Hotels.

Yurbban Humans are independent stories that together bring us a different panorama explaining the talent of the people behind the scenes and why the slogan of the Yurbban hotels is ¨Live as a native¨.

Don´t miss it!